On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 9:37 AM, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> On 2016-01-11, Theodore Wynnychenko <t...@uchicago.edu> wrote:
>> directory "ldap://DC1.samba.domain.com:389"; {
> afaik this just takes a hostname, not a URL.


And see also:



Thanks for the advice.

So, replacing the 'H "ldap://DC1.samba.domain.com:389";' with '-h 
"DC1.samba.domain.com"' in ldapsearch works.

e.g.:  ldapsearch -x -h "DC1.samba.domain.com" -D "DOMAIN\Administrator" -w 
"password" -b "dc=samba,dc=domain,dc=com" "(objectClass=group)"

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 8
# numEntries: 4
# numReferences: 3

ldapsearch also works if I use '-h "localhost"' or '-h ""' or '-h 

But, when I replace the directory line in ypldap.conf to:

directory "DC1.samba.domain.com"

or "localhost" or "" or the IP address; and start ypldap -dv, I get:

# ypldap -dv
startup [debug mode]
configuration starting
applying configuration
connecting to directories
starting directory update
searching password entries
directory DC1.samba.domain.com errored out in search

and it hangs; after a manual break:

ldap client exiting
dns engine exiting

The "errored out in search" line changes based on the directory value from 

I was wondering if there might be something "different" about the ldap server 
included with samba4; but 'man ldapsearch' confirms that it is not anything 
"special" from samba, but comes from OpenLDAP:

man ldapsearch
       OpenLDAP Software is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project
       <http://www.openldap.org/>.  OpenLDAP Software is derived from
       University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.

OpenLDAP 2.4.43                   2015/11/30                     LDAPSEARCH(1)

Therefore, it seems to me that if "this" ldapsearch can get information out of 
samba ldap server, than ypldap should be able to as well.  Right?

A search for the error message above doesn't really lead me anywhere.  Any 
what the error means?

Thanks again

cat ypldap.conf
# Global settings
domain       "samba.domain.com"
interval     3600

# Specify the maps that ypldap should provide
provide map  "passwd.byname"
provide map  "passwd.byuid"
provide map  "group.byname"

# Directory declaration
directory "DC1.samba.domain.com" {
    binddn    "DOMAIN\Administrator"
    bindcred  "password"
    basedn    "dc=samba,dc=domain,dc=com"

    # passwd maps configuration
    passwd filter "(objectClass=posixAccount)"

    attribute name maps to "uid"
    fixed attribute passwd "*"
    attribute uid maps to "uidNumber"
    attribute gid maps to "gidNumber"
    attribute home maps to "homeDirectory"
    attribute gecos maps to "gecos"
    # LDAP users are not interactive system users
    fixed attribute shell "/sbin/nologin"
    fixed attribute change "0"
    fixed attribute expire "0"
    fixed attribute class "default"

    # group maps configuration
    group filter "(objectClass=group)"

    attribute groupname maps to "cn"
    fixed attribute grouppasswd "*"
    fixed attribute groupgid "*"
    list groupmembers maps to "member"

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/x-pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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