On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 09:41:47PM GMT, Craig Skinner wrote:
> Hi Raf,

Hi Craig,

> On 2016-01-11 Mon 20:33 PM |, Raf Czlonka wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 07:35:50PM GMT, Craig Skinner wrote:
> > > 
> > > This isn't _perfect_, but it could be a resonable starting point:
> > > 
> > > +04/01    April Fool's Day
> > 
> > This I'm not entirely sure of but both Google and Wikipedia use plural
> > possessive - "April Fools' Day".
> > 
> The Canadian file was used as a starting point, & the U.S. file has the
> same entry:
> $ fgrep -iR Fool *
> calendar.canada:04/01   April Fool's Day
> calendar.united-kingdom:04/01   April Fool's Day
> calendar.usholiday:04/01        April Fool's Day

As Jason already mentioned, singular possessive "Fool's" seems to be
chiefly North American, whereas in UK plural possessive "Fools'" appears
to be more common.

> > > +11/05    Guy Fawkes' Day
> > 
> > If Google search results are anything to go by, then "Guy Fawkes Night"
> > might be a bit better as it returns slightly more results. Regardless
> > how you call it, however, it's neither possessive, nor plural.
> > 
> Night it is, thanks!
> The .history file has it as:
> Guy Fawkes' Plot, 1605
> "Fawkes" was his surname, with the 's' included.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Fawkes_Night

Sure, I'm aware of that. What I was referring to was that usually the
apostrophe is omitted and it is written "Guy Fawkes Day/Night", which I
said that it's not possessive and Jason corrected me, as it obviously
is - it's simply doesn't appear as such when written that way. The way
you wrote it (Fawkes') is usual for plural possessive and at first it
would seem that, if using an apostrophe, Fawkes's would have been more
appropriate. However, after some reeducation, I can see that it is not
the case, as the "rules" are all over the place and they vary from
country to country, or region to region. I'll shut up now :^)

BTW, also +1 for Bonfire Night as it is indeed referred to as such more
often than the former.



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