To begin, I'm running OpenBSD 3.6 GENERIC.MP#173  

I have some suspect files in /tmp, and I'm fairly sure that they  
shouldn't be there.  Only thing I can't twig is what method the  
attackers used to get the files into that directory.  The files are:

################################### Microsoft Search Worm - by br0k3d  
              #### ##### From the same author of LinuxDay Worm and  
other variants #### #######


#  ShellBOT
#              0ldW0lf - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#              -
#              -

in /tmp/.cpanel and /tmp/.cpanel.tmp.  Reading them through, they  
just look like IRC clients written in Perl that have some remote  
commands for DOS, and the likes.  They connect to a chatroom and  
print some message or other.  If anybody wants to have some fun, the  
main config block is:

my @adms=("darkwoot", "br0k3d", "vipzen", "Nandokabala");   #nick dos  
my @canais=("#gestapo");
my $nick='ADOLFHITLER'; # nick do bot.. c o nick jah estiveh em uso..  
vai aparece com um numero radonamico no final
my $ircname = 'SSSA';
chop (my $realname = `uname -a`);
$servidor='' unless $servidor;   #servidor d irc q  
vai c usadu c naum for especificado no argumento
my $porta='6667';   #porta do servidor d irc

My question is how did these files get into the machine.  I have  
entries in the httpd error log that look like this:

            => `/tmp/.cpanel'
Resolving done.
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... --05:10:57--  http://
            => `/tmp/.cpanel.tmp'
Resolving done.
Connecting to[]:80... failed:  
Connection timed out.

   (try: 2) => `/tmp/.cpanel.tmp'
Connecting to[]:80... 200 OK
Length: 3,355 [text/plain]

     0K ...                                                   100%   
468.05 KB/s

05:12:27 (468.05 KB/s) - `/tmp/.cpanel' saved [3355/3355]

So something is clearly injecting a command into a script, and it is  
causing wget to run and fetch some files.  There are more instances  
of the same thing, but they're all fetching a file from the same  
place (either .cpanel, .cpanel.tmp or .plesk).

Because they're in the default Apache error log, the attacker must  
have hit a website on the machine that doesn't have an ErrorLog  
defined, or they hit the machine by IP instead of a hostname.  I got  
a list of sites that have no error log (and would log to /var/www/ 
logs/error_log) and checked their transfer logs.  None of them had  
any entries in them that correspond to any of the times on the wget  
entries, so I learn nothing from this.  There are earlier entries as  
well, doing the same thing, but to a different site

I'm going to do a bulk grep on all the web server logs to see if  
anything about wget turns up in any of them, and if I can then work  
out which script on which site is causing the problem.  As far as I  
can tell, there is no damage, but there are some entries like these  
in the error logs:

/tmp/x44423[1]: ^?ELF^A^A^ALinux^B^C^A<80><80>^44: not found
/tmp/x44423[2]: 1?X<89>?<8D>T<81>^DP<83>??RQ??^A?: not found
/tmp/x44423[4]: syntax error: `(' unexpected

Am I right in thinking that these entries show somebody trying to run  
a Linux binary unsuccessfully?  Good job I leave Linux emulation  
turned off... :)

So, what's my next move?  My daily/weekly security emails show  
nothing to be worried about, no changes to any system critical files  
or anything of that ilk.  Where can I look for more information or  
clues?  I know the machine is due for an upgrade, and that's next on  
my list.  I would provide a dmesg but the machine has been up for a  
while with one full disk, so it's been pushed out of the end of the  
dmesg file.


Junkets for bunterish lickspittles since 1998!

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