On Wed, 10 Feb 2016 18:20:41 +0100
Ingo Schwarze <schwa...@usta.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> Adam Wolk wrote on Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 05:18:45PM +0100:
> > The exact day of when a release snapshot is taken is not
> > announced.  
> Wrong.  Looking at the CVS repo, you can see every single change
> in all branches, so it is possible to figure out which exact state
> of the code went into -release, when the last change was made before
> the release, and when the first change was made to -current after
> the release.
> Besides, it's irrelevant.  X-current is always older than
> (X+1)-release and can be upgraded.  (X+1)-release is always older
> than (X+1)-current and can be upgraded.  No need to look up the exact
> time of (X+1)-release in CVS.
> > So if you are keeping it on the October snapshot in the hope that
> > it will be considered an upgrade then please don't do that.  
> Completely bogus advice.  It's 100% sure that upgrading from an
> October snapshot to the May release of the following year is
> supported.  Same for November and December snapshots, and even for
> January and February ones as long as they still say 5.8-current,
> 5.9-beta, or just 5.9, and *NOT* 5.9-current.
> [...]
> > Everything else is unknown state. You won't be sure which following
> > current steps to execute.  
> Wrong, nothing is unclear.  To upgrade to (X+1)-release, pay attention
> to faq/upgrade(X+1).faq.
> > Your current base OS could be well past  
> Wrong, that can't happen, as long as you go from X-anything to
> (X+1)-stable.
> > or before the snapshot used for the release.  
> That's not a problem.  At the worst, some of the steps in the
> respective upgrade guide may no longer be necessary, but that's
> not a problem.
> It's all in the FAQ:
>   http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html#Flavors
> Yours,
>   Ingo

I stand corrected, sorry Paco for misguiding you. Don't know why I
didn't think about or notice the STATUS change in newvers.sh.

Will fact check next time before spreading FUD ;)


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