On 02/11/16 19:36, Stefan Wollny wrote:
> Hi there!
> Running amd64-current I update packages usually from
> http://ftp.hostserver.de/
> This evening system.tgz-files still date Feb 9th.
> $ dmesg | grep Open
> OpenBSD 5.9 (GENERIC.MP) #1870: Mon Feb  8 17:34:23 MST 2016
> So I run 'pkg_add -ui' leading to the folĺowing output:
> quirks-2.197 signed on 2016-02-10T20:34:24Z
> quirks-2.197->2.197: ok
> cups-libs-2.1.2->2.1.3 forward dependencies:
> | Dependency of cups-2.1.2 on cups-libs-=2.1.2 doesn't match
> Merging cups-2.1.2->2.1.3 (ok)
> Detected loop, merging sets ok
> | cups-2.1.2+cups-libs-2.1.2->cups-2.1.3+cups-libs-2.1.3
> | cups-filters-1.8.1->1.8.1
> | ghostscript-9.07p2-a4-gtk->9.07p2-a4-gtk
> cups-2.1.2+cups-filters-1.8.1+cups-libs-2.1.2+ghostscript-9.07p2-a4-gtk->cups-2.1.3+cups-filters-1.8.1+cups-libs-2.1.3+ghostscript-9.07p2-a4-gtk:
> ok

This is problem that has been known about and reported, I reported
myself a few days ago, and have made previous reports. Other have
reported also.

Happens mostly when the cups package is updated, but I seen it with a
gstreamer update.

To fix your need to run pkg_check the /var/db/pkg will be in quite a
mess after this. Can take a long time running pkg_check.

Once finished pkg_check then rerun pkg_add -u to complete the updating
of packages, then pkg_delete /var/db/pkg/.lib* to clean up

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