On Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 1:43 AM, Tinker <ti...@openmailbox.org> wrote:

> Did two tests, one with async and one with softdep, on amd64, 5.9-CURRENT,
> UFS.
> (Checked "dd"'s sources and there is no fsync() anywhere in there.
> The bufcache setting was 90, 3GB free RAM, pushed 2GB of data using "dd"
> to disk.

Based on knowledge of Unices from long ago (not on direct knowledge of
OpenBSD internals), I believe 'dd' uses raw I/O, which bypasses the buffer

Those who know the details better than I should comment and correct me if
I'm wrong, but if I'm right, your test doesn't prove anything about
file-system write caching because your writes didn't go through the

/Don Allen

> It took 12 and 15 seconds respectively, which is the harddrive's write
> speed - the buffer cache of course would have absorbed this in 0 seconds.)
> So, both runs showed that OpenBSD *not* does any write caching to talk
> about, at all.
> This means if a program wants write caching, it needs to implement it
> itself.
> Good to know.
> Tinker
> On 2016-02-13 23:47, Tinker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How much of my file writing, and filesystem operations such as
>> creating a new file/directory, will land in OpenBSD's disk/write cache
>> without touching the disk before return of the respective operation to
>> my program, for softdep or async UFS media and I never fsync() ?
>> This is relevant to know for any usecase where there may be a big
>> write load to a magnet disk *and* there's lots of RAM and "sysctl
>> kern.bufcachepercent" is high.
>> If those ops will be done in a way that is synchronous with the magnet
>> disk, the actual fopen(), fwrite(), fread() (for re-read of the data
>> that's been written but still only is in the OS RAM CACHE) etc. might
>> be so slow that a program would need to implement its own write cache
>> for supporting even small spikes in write activity.
>> Sorry for the fuss but neither "man" nor googling taught me anything.
>> Thanks!!
>> Tinker

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