> My .Xdefaults is a symlink to .Xresources
> and .xsession is a symlink to .xinitrc.
> But that's not it - my .xsession (-> .xinitrc) _is_ processed,
> because cwm is launched, as opposed to the default fvwm.
> And my .Xresources (= .Xdefaults) _is_ loaded, because
> the xterms I start from the cmdline with `xterm`
> do have the UTF8 locale set. Also,
>       $ env
>       [...]
>       XENVIRONMENT=/home/hans/.Xresources
> > with no need for the `xrdb` command.
> Thanks. Yes, even if I do not xrdb explicitly,
> the .Xdefauls (= .Xresources) gets loaded.
> But the original problem remains: any xterm started with
> cwm's ctrl-alt-del reports XTERM_LOCALE=C in env(1),
> while an xterm started as `xterm` has XTERM_LOCALE=cs_CZ.UTF-8,
> as discated by "XTerm*locale: UTF-8" in .Xresources.
> Is it a cwm thing after all?

Probably not, because if I remove all my .x* files
and keep just the .Xdefaults -> .Xresources which
specifies the UTF8 locale for xterm, the same thing
happens in (the default) fvwm. Namely,
the xterm started by default has XTERM_LOCALE=C,
and every xterm started from fvwm's menu has XTERM_LOCALE=C,
but every xterm I start as `xterm` (from another xterm)
has XTERM_LOCALE=cs_CZ.UTF-8, as specified in.Xdefaults.

Why is that? Am I missing something obvious?


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