Jiri B <jirib <at> devio.us> writes:

> >        location "/cgi-bin/nagios/*.cgi" {
> >                 root "/cgi-bin/nagios/*.cgi"
>                                         ^^^^^^ seems wrong
> man httpd.conf says it should be path, so i assume wildcard
> is wrong.

Hello and thanks a lot, Jiri.

Actually, right after posting my message, I corrected this mistake, which
was transient (temporary copy/paste error).

Anyway, you sent me another message, pointing at my misunderstanding of the
path interpretations for the 'root' directive by slowcgi/httpd. You've got
the right answer!

Here are the two versions which work :

Version 1 :
location "/cgi-bin/nagios/*.cgi" {
                root "/"
                fastcgi socket "/run/slowcgi.sock"

Version 2 :
location "/cgi-bin/nagios/*.cgi" {
                root { "/cgi-bin/nagios", strip 2 }
                fastcgi socket "/run/slowcgi.sock"

I still have some minor 404 difficulties with icons and stylesheets, but
managed to correct them with some dirty directory duplication.

Once again, thanks a lot for your help, Jiri.

Olivier Debré

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