On 26 February 2016 at 08:40, lilit-aibolit <lilit-aibo...@mail.ru> wrote:
> I've tried to change low=1:high=2 to low=0:high=0
> but I haven't got *Off* current state for this sensor from sensord:
> - hw.sensors.upd0.indicator2=On (ACPresent), OK
> Even for AC disconnected sensord repors that ACPresent is *On*,
> however when I look for
> - sysctl hw.sensors.upd0.indicator2
> it repororts that ACPresent is *Off*, so I decided don't rely
> on sensord logic and place own script to cron and execute it
> every minute.

The `indicator` changes between On/Off with a user limit of
`low=0:high=0`  should definitely be triggered as reported by the
prior users (http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=144526769005460&w=2).


370            if (sensor.flags & SENSOR_FINVALID)
371                newustatus = SENSORSD_S_INVALID;
372            else if (sensor.value > limit->upper)
373                newustatus = SENSORSD_S_ABOVE;
374            else if (sensor.value < limit->lower)
375                newustatus = SENSORSD_S_BELOW;
376            else
377                newustatus = SENSORSD_S_WITHIN;

However, notice that all status changes are subject to dampening --
the default check period is 20 seconds
e.g., `sensorsd` is equivalent to `sensorsd -c20`), and it takes 3
cycles for the value to stuck in.  E.g., if the status does not
consistently stay the same for about a minute by default, then it is
simply discarded and not taken seriously.

Most Hardware Monitor drivers in OpenBSD update their sensors every 5
seconds (regardless of whether anyone's reading them or not), so, you
might as well check them more often as well, yet still have the

    % fgrep sensorsd /etc/rc.conf.local

As for upd(4), the updates are done every 6 seconds, for whichever reason:


210    sc->sc_sensortask = sensor_task_register(sc, upd_refresh, 6);

So, if you want a faster notice, but without giving up the dampening,
you might want to run your sensorsd with `-c6`, for example.


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