On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 07:18:06PM -0500, Michael Reed wrote:
> Hello,
> I use OpenBSD on my laptop to listen to music, using an external DAC
> (USB) at home and built-in audio elsewhere.
> In rc.conf.local I have
>   # see http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.os.openbsd.misc/213373/focus=213377
>   sndiod_flags=-m play -f rsnd/1 -f rsnd/0
> with the intention of using rsnd/1 (USB DAC) when it's available, and rsnd/0
> (built-in audio) when it's not.  However, this is what actually seems to
> happen when the USB DAC isn't plugged in (see DEFAULTS section in sndio(7)):
>   - audio program tries to connect to snd/0, which fails because it doesn't
>     exist (snd/0 is a sub-device of rsnd/1 (USB DAC), which isn't plugged in)
>   - audio program then tries rsnd/0 (/dev/audio0), which works
> The trouble is that, as shown by the second bullet, sndiod(8) is being
> completely bypassed if the USB DAC isn't plugged in:
>   # fuser -u /dev/audio[0-2]    # sndiod_flags=-m play -f rsnd/1 -f rsnd/0
>   /dev/audio2:
>   /dev/audio1:
>   /dev/audio0: 18636(_mpd)
> If I set sndiod_flags to empty, then sndiod is no longer bypassed
>   $ fuser -u /dev/audio[0-2]     # sndiod_flags=
>   /dev/audio2:
>   /dev/audio1: 3291(_sndio)
>   /dev/audio0:
> but, of course, the USB DAC won't be used at all.
> With that said, I'm wondering if it's even possible to set up sndiod so that
> (1) my USB audio device is always used when available and (2) sndiod isn't 
> bypassed
> if the DAC isn't available.
> After reading various sndio/audio manual pages I'm still somewhat
> confused, so any help would be much appreciated.

Your understanding is right; this is a sndiod limitation.  We don't
have the code yet to do what you want.

One option would to patch libsndio to try more devices (how many?).

A nicer approach would be to handle this in sndiod by allowing
sub-devices (aka -s options) to change their device (aka -f
option).  The advantage of doing it in sndiod is that later this
could happen dynamically (ex.  unplug usb cable and programs
migrate to another device).

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