Hello, I think it will be good to add notice from mygate man page to
FAQ about default gateway configuration.

Here is diff:

Index: faq6.html
RCS file: /cvs/www/faq/faq6.html,v
retrieving revision 1.361
diff -u -p -r1.361 faq6.html
--- faq6.html   29 Mar 2016 01:27:39 -0000      1.361
+++ faq6.html   30 Mar 2016 12:20:17 -0000
@@ -291,6 +291,12 @@ You can't assume things like the resolve
 In other words, it had better be an IP address or something that is
 defined in the <tt>/etc/hosts</tt> file.

+<tt>/etc/mygate</tt> is processed after all interfaces have been
configured.  If
+any <a href="http://man.openbsd.org/?query=hostname.if";>hostname.if(5)</a>
files contain "dhcp" directives, IPv4 entries in
+<tt>/etc/mygate</tt> will be ignored.  If they contain "rtsol" directives, IPv6
+entries will be ignored.
 <h3 id="Setup.resolver">6.2.3 - DNS Resolution</h3>

 DNS resolution is controlled by the file

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