Thank you so much!


On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 6:02 PM, joshua stein <> wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Mar 2016 at 17:34:16 +0200, Murk Fletcher wrote:
> > Anybody here using (to simplify JavaScript
> assets
> > in Rails) and know how to prevent the following error?
> >
> > Simply renaming "https" to "http" makes no difference.
> >
> > % bundle install
> > Fetching source index from
> > Retrying source fetch due to error (2/3):
> > Bundler::Fetcher::CertificateFailureError Could not verify the SSL
> > certificate for
> It looks like that site is using Let's Encrypt, and LE's
> cross-signing root was added to /etc/ssl/cert.pem 9 months ago.
> You could just fetch an updated version and install it there, which
> Ruby is looking at.

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