Riccardo Mottola wrote:
> "xbacklight" tells me however "100".
> if I lower it with "-set 90" I actually notice it gets brighter, setting 
> it to "-set 100" .. it goes to full brightness.
> It looks as if initially the value is read back incorrect from a status 
> register?

There are a few instances of this bug. You can also see it with cpu
frequency and audio volume.

Most drivers maintain soft state that should mirror the hardware state. Except
when it doesn't. Sometimes the driver has a bug, sometimes the hardware lies,
sometimes something else goes wrong. The many layers of abstraction and acpi
don't help either.

It's a bug and it's worth reporting as much info about your hardware as
possible, but don't expect a quick fix. As a workaround, just run 'xbacklight
50 ; xbacklight 100' or whatever you want.

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