On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 06:14:36PM +0000, Peter Fraser wrote:
> Is there any method of added extra information when rejecting an email with
> smtpd
> I am looking for an equivalent effect to the .REDIRECT or error  message in
> sendmail's virtualusertable
> for example I had the following in sendmail's virtualusertable.
> @thinkage.on.ca                       error:5.1.1:553 " Please use 
> thinkage.ca not
> thinkage.on.ca"
> and
> t...@thinkage.ca                      supp...@thinkage.ca.REDIRECT

from aliases(5):

     error:code message
                A status code and message to return.  The code must be 3 digits,
                starting 4XX (TempFail) or 5XX (PermFail).  The message must be
                present and can be freely chosen.

note that only single-line messages are supported (for now ?)

Gilles Chehade

https://www.poolp.org                                          @poolpOrg

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