David Coppa, 27 Apr 2016 15:58:
> > the dvd drive lets out terrible shrieks at boot up
> > time, and by timing out makes boot up longer.  is there
> > anything i can do about it?  i'd prefer not to take out
> > the drive as i have nothing to replace it.
> Maybe disabling cd*?
> # config -e -f /bsd
> ukc> disable cd
> ukc> quit

there is no 'cd' device in the dmesg and
disabling it did not help :]

disabling 'atapiscsi' also did not help
(it's not a pciide device, so not surprising)

disabling 'scsibus' does help, but of course
all the other drives disappear as well...

seems like a magic quirk is wanted dead or alive.

i'm feeling rather blonde today.

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