On Sat, Jan 07, 2006 at 10:12:10AM +0100, Ramiro Aceves wrote:
> Hello dear OpenBSD friends.
> I have just upgraded my 3.8 release CD install trough CVS to the stable
> branch (OPENBSD_3_8)( src, ports and XF4). I have rebuilt my kernel, the
> userland and X Window. Everything runs fine and smoothly as expected. I
> also removed the installed packages and I am reinstalling them again
> trough ports.
> A question arises now to me: as I have read on the FAQ, everything must
> be kept "in sync". Is it mandatory to remove the packages and reinstall
> them again from ports when I upgrade the base system to the STABLE
> branch?.

no. keeping stuff in sync is much more of an issue when running -current.

> Or perhaps,  can I "asume" that the STABLE patch branch does
> not modify the base system enough to break the ports?


> This is a very
> time consuming task as my computer has got a slow Internet connection
> (5kB/s) and a not too fast processor (1200 MHz). A friend of mine
> downloaded for me all 3.8 packages from OpenBSD servers and perhaps I
> have to discard them from now.  :-(

the stable ports branch mostly adds security fixes. for some
architectures the updated packages are on the ftp servers, for others
you need to build them yourself.

you don't need to rebuild all your packages.
maybe just a few which have had security fixes... if your friend did not
already download the updated packages.


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