Hi Predrag,

Predrag Punosevac wrote on Tue, May 17, 2016 at 06:59:15PM -0400:

> OpenBSD is shipped with the static webpage generator (sort of).
> It is called mandoc.  man mandoc and check out -T html switch.

That one is a bit specialized: for manual pages.  =:c)

True, i once heard of one developer who used it for creating a small
static website that had nothing to do with manuals.  But i must
admit it's not really intended as a general-purpose tool.

> If you ask me this 
>   http://mdocml.bsd.lv/
> and this 
>   http://manpages.bsd.lv/history.html
> are pretty darn good looking static websites.
> They are generated with mandoc.

Sorry, no, they aren't, they were written by hand, mostly by Kristaps.
They are merely using a stylesheet that slightly resembles the
mandoc.css stylesheet.

But here are a few static webpages generated by mandoc(1) -Thtml:


Basically, all the links of the form "name(section)" on that
page, and on the pages you can reach from there.

Ironically, the same pages on


are not statically pregenerated, but dynamically generated
on demand.  But the user will hardly care.


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