Everybody, thanks for the constructive feedback. As for the snarky
neo-luddite remarks, they were entertaining too ;-) No, I'm not a product
of new-age college professors wanting to demolish the Colosseum., though
HTML5 and mobile support is nice.

When it comes to searching the archives, I did have a look but not a very
long one. Sorry about that.

I changed the colors a bit. Now, the contrast between the links and the
background is a lot better.

The site works OK in Dillo  too, though the old site still looks better.
Then, I don't think doing layout solely with tables belongs in 2016, and
browsers should support floating elements.

The site works fine in links, elinks and w3m too, except that the header is
shown twice. I think it's more important to have good mobile support than
perfect console browser support. Actually, bad mobile support is one of the
biggest problems with the current site.

I think it's OK that the menu doesn't have a different background color, it
still stands out IMO.

There's a LICENSE file in the repo now, and I'll be having a look at
generating diffs against the www module.

@Gilles Chehade:
If you're not being sarcastic, I would be happy to contribute to that
project as well.

I'm not sure if I'm qualified to do any translations, I'm not a native
English speaker. And about  $ whois whe, I can to it, but I wanted to post
to the list first.

2016-05-17 11:02 GMT+02:00 Marko Cupać <marko.cu...@mimar.rs>:

> On Tue, 17 May 2016 09:23:26 +0100
> Fred <open...@crowsons.com> wrote:
> > I do not see how this is improving the life of the developers who are
> > doing a fantastic job building a great operating system.
> What about improving the life of admins and users who are doing a
> fantastic job with help of a great operating system?
> That being said, i like current page better :)
> --
> Before enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.
> After  enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.
> Marko Cupać
> https://www.mimar.rs/

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