Hi all,

I'm struggling to set up php under httpd in 5.9.

The example in the man page of httpd.conf use php-fpm, but the php-fpm
package seems to have disappeared from the package list between
versions 5.8 and 5.9.

I've tried to dig out information about why php-fpm might have been
rejected, but I haven't found anything.

Included, however, in the packages list, is php-fastcgi, but that
doesn't seem to be able to handle connections over a unix domain
socket, which in turn seems to be a requirement of httpd.

Is there a reason why php-fpm was excluded from the OpenBSD 5.9
packages list?

Should I rather use php-fastcgi? If so, are there any resources I can
use to learn how to configure it?

Best regards

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