I have thought of a way pledge(2) can be made a little more

This is not a patch, but just a thought.
There are 2 setups I have thought of:

=============== 1. Variable arguments ===============

int pledge(const char *promises, const char *paths[])
        return vpledge(1, promises, paths);

int vpledge(const size_t npledge, ...);


In a program, this may be something like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ultralib.h>
#include <extralib.h>
#include <superlib.h>
#include <mechalib.h>

int main(void) {
        if(vpledge(5, "stdio rpath wpath cpath", NULL,
                ultra_promises, ultra_pledgepaths,
                extra_promises, NULL, super_promises, NULL,
                mecha_promises, mecha_pledgepaths) == -1)

        ... [other code] ...


In vpledge(), "npledge" refers to the number of pledge-pairs, which
consist of:

        const char *promises, const char *paths[]

These have the same semantics as the original pledge().

A library can export *_promises and *_pledgepaths symbols, pointing to
static text. This allows the library to change without the program
being affected because the new library changes call something outside
the original pledge() of a program.

============= 2. Using a struct ==================


struct pledge {
        char *promises;
        char *paths[];


int pledge(const char *promises, const char *paths[])
        struct pledge pl = {
                .promises, paths

        return pledges(1, &pl);

int pledges(const size_t npledge, const struct pledge pledge_array[]);


In a program, this may be something like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ultralib.h>
#include <extralib.h>
#include <superlib.h>
#include <mechalib.h>

int main(void) {
        struct pledge pl[4];

        pl[0].promises = "stdio rpath wpath cpath";

        if(pledges(5, pl) == -1)

        ... [other code] ...



A library can tell the application what pledges are in use as follows:

static const char *pledge_promises = "stdio fattr sendfd recvfd"

void ultra_getpledge(struct pledge *const pl)
        pl->promises = pledge_promises;
        pl->paths = NULL;


I think that #1 has the advantage of it being easier to code so a
program can ratchet down its abilities. #2 allows one to group the
pledge arguments into a single struct.


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