not sur it can help
but non-revelant copies (used as snapshot of file currently modifyed by other
process) I generaly use a copy of last save state of the source file to a ram
I open that copy in the destination software.

so it works just as a clipboard  (file is not saved on disks)

> ----------------------------------------
> From: Rudolf Sykora <>
> Sent: Mon Jun 13 16:10:38 CEST 2016
> To: <>
> Subject: x clipboard that can copy images
> Hello,
> I need a program that would be able to "copy a .png file into
> the clipboard", so that other programs (xournal, gimp, ...)
> can paste the image.
> I used xsel and xclip before, but these only work with text.
> I tried to compile newer xclip, which can "copy images",
> so far without success.
> Apart from new xclip, bigger programs like copyq have
> the ability to cope with images, but that's too big for
> the task, I think.
> Do you have any advice? What do you use?
> Thanks
> Ruda

Francois Pussault
10 chemin de négo saoumos
apt 202 - bat 2
31300 Toulouse
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