

I've been through the man pages a couple of times and am not seeing what I'm
looking for. I have a couple of OpenBSD machines running BGP sessions with
my ISPs. Yesterday one of the IPv6 sessions went down and I didn't notice
for quite a while..


This got me looking for some kind of trigger / trap that would automatically
alert me if a BGP session went down, or was flapping. I couldn't see any
provision in the man page to execute a external script, and no mention of
SNMP. So is there such a feature I missed?


I the short term I hacked together a cron job that parses the output of:
bgpctl show status terse to send me email alerts, but I'd prefer to not be
depending on polling if at all possible.




Bill Buhler

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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