(Sorry for the spam.)

This is a fork from the "Silly library path debug question" thread where I am figuring how to make auto-loading of dependencies work.

That thread touched on a secondary question which is if there is any particular requirement on HOW/WHEN to load libpthread :

A) Must libpthread be [dynamic object dependency] linked to the executable file directly, or is it OK that a shared library that the executable has a [dynamic object dependency] link to, links to libpthread [by the means of a dynamic object dependency]?

I presume YES it's ok.

B) Can libpthread be loaded at first at dlopen() time in OpenBSD?

That is, executable file A does dlopen() on shared library B, which either itself has a dynamic object dependency link to libpthread, or B has a dynamic object dependency link to shared library C, which has a dynamic object dependency link to libpthread .

(For some ancient Linux LibC version this did *not* work but led to a crash / SIGSEGV, so just wanted to ask here if it is fine to do this on OpenBSD. http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/open_issues/libpthread_dlopen.html )

Can it? If so, starting any particular version?

I would suppose YES but just want to be clear.

Thank you very much and again sorry for the spam.

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