Greetings Anton,

On Wed, 3 Aug 2016 03:36:39 +0300 wrote:

> Wed, 3 Aug 2016 07:10:51 +1000
> > > ...
> > 
> > It still happens regularly on 5.9 (with all errata up to and
> > including July applied) as well. I felt that this was quite random
> > actually and there was no real explanation for it.
> > 
> > This occurs with either Firefox or Seamonkey open, but it will
> > happen randomly (such as when trying to select text from xterm, for
> > example).
> > 
> > On another note, I also find it strange that there is no X
> > -configure option; I am trying to configure my touch pad to disable
> > the annoying tap-to-click feature; I feel this is partially the
> > culprit in my case.  
> Hi bytevolcano,
> Could be, could be not..  I run latest snapshots (always), and have
> too seen similar, so below are some silly tips to handle touchpad &
> pointer affecting programs, that may be interfering with your daily
> zen routine.

I am certain that, whilst it is not strictly the culprit, its behaviour
in relation to the double-tap-to-click feature is certainly aggravating
it; I am also thinking this may have to do with the fact that I am not
used to the whole doubletap-to-click paradigm.

> This is not a complaint at OpenBSD, only a suggestion to test
> synaptics. I love using Xorg in OpenBSD and am actually very happy
> with "my" setup. Here we go, you may now delete this message quick,
> no useful info below:
> I've also seen an incorrect pointer icon sporadically (quite rarely)
> instead of the expected one on my laptop when I moved the mouse over
> the with synergy (in ports), and always wondered why this happens. I
> enable tap to click in my X session initialisation script .xinitirc:
> $ grep syncl .xinitrc
> DISPLAY=:0 synclient TapButton1=1 TapButton2=3 TapButton3=2
> You can disable this feature by setting the respective variables to 0
> in your session start up.  Or respectively adding a section in your X
> configuration (or part of it) file.  For example:
> DISPLAY=:0 synclient TapButton1=0 TapButton2=0 TapButton3=0
> I am not sure however this is what causes the problem, though.  It may
> be missing pointer icon from the sets, a program trying to weird stuff
> or incorrectly carried information by the synergy application, dunno..
> Here are the options to experiment with in xorg.conf, or in .xinitrc
> synaptics - touchpad input driver
> []
> synclient - command line utility to query and modify Synaptics driver
> []
> I've actually not needed any X configuration file for a long long time
> and indeed prefer to set everything either via command line utilities,
> or not bother AT ALL with xorg.conf, due to session loss to manage it.
> There is also a little utility to help with touchpad accidental moves
> during kbd typing on one of those laptop where it's too easy to do so:
> syndaemon - monitors keyboard activity and temp disables the touchpad
> []
> $ grep synd .xinitrc
> DISPLAY=:0 syndaemon -i 1 -d
> What I "need" (this decade!) from Xorg is to implement internally some
> capabilities like those provided by the synergy program.  These should
> allow using the keyboard and mouse on one machine to interact with the
> screens on multiple machines over Xorg internal protocol AND see it on
> their respective monitors (don't give me that KVM $@#! nonsense).  So,
> then we'll not need potentially flawed in multiple ways external tools
> for what Xorg should have given oh so many years ago already (no *NC).
> Well, whatever, the important thing is that for now, you could further
> experiment and try to catch the odd behaviour in X pointers.  I guess,
> there is scientific method in this, but I don't have the time now too.
> That'd be: watch logs, dump stats from events and see what happens by
> tracing internally Xorg sections ..should be a way to do it properly..
> Hope this helps (or gives ideas), if not, please excuse the "outflow".
> Picture of several men at a conference explaining a minor tech glitch.
> []
> Kind regards,
> Anton

It would be helpful if I could get the synaptics driver running first. ;)
The problem is I am unsure what kind of driver my touchpad uses, and
xinput reveals this:

$ xinput
+ Virtual core pointer                          id=2    [master pointer  (3)]
|   + Virtual core XTEST pointer                id=4    [slave pointer  (2)]
|   + /dev/wsmouse                              id=8    [slave pointer  (2)]
|   + /dev/wsmouse1                             id=7    [slave pointer  (2)]
+ Virtual core keyboard                         id=3    [master keyboard (2)]
    + Virtual core XTEST keyboard               id=5    [slave keyboard (3)]
    + /dev/wskbd                                id=6    [slave keyboard (3)]

I feel as if the touchpad is on /dev/wsmouse0 because:

$ dmesg | grep -i mouse
wsmouse0 at pms0 mux 0
wsmouse1 at ums0 mux 0
wsmouse1 detached
wsmouse1 at ums0 mux 0

The USB mouse, I suspect, is my touch screen since it shows up as a Fujitsu 
touch panel as uhidev0 (likely an internal USB connection on the motherboard). 
So the touchpad therefore must be the PS/2 mouse (pms0) on wsmouse0.

Which is why it would be helpful if the "-configure" option was in X; with a 
complete config file I can tweak bits and pieces here and there.

Otherwise, my setup works well with fvwm 2.2.5 (part of the base).

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