i was thinking about bchs and it seems like safeD+pledge would 
be a good
combination on openbsd, and i was thinking about 
scaling beyond sqlite. the
ecosystem i came up with is as follows:

pledge openbsd sqlite httpd
postgresql openssh tor dlang(safeD, 
also ability to use c/c++/nim) libressl
ldapd redis

the acronym is pretty easy to remember (POSHPOTDLLR). this is a
superstack. think of it as a proactively secure buffet from which 
app stacks
are made... like bchs.

according to

LDC 1.1.0 : "Added some
definitions for OpenBSD"

are there any plans for llvm-ldc support with pledge? 6.1

p.y.s. loco popo know theo the pro is a hero bro fo sho! wut.
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