I have trimmed lspci output, but actually it was important.
I have not only Intel GPU but also Nvidia GPU.

A year ago I have written ugly hack to disable Nvidia GPU year ago
for power saving.
I am sure that is too ugly to commit to repository and
I am not programming professional so I need a lot of time to
write even ugly and tiny patch.

Actually DRI2 works if I recompile the kernel with my patch.

Following is printed by mpv with working graphics acceleration:

$ EGL_LOG_LEVEL=debug LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose MESA_DEBUG=1 mpv movie.avi   
Playing: movie.avi
 (+) Video --vid=1 (mpeg4)
 (+) Audio --aid=1 (ac3)
 (+) Subs  --sid=1 'movie.srt' (subrip) (external)
libGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/i965_dri.so
libGL: Using DRI2 for screen 0
libEGL debug: Native platform type: x11 (autodetected)
libEGL debug: added egl_dri2 to module array
libEGL debug: DRI2: dlopen(/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/i965_dri.so)
libEGL debug: found extension `DRI_Core'
libEGL info: found extension DRI_Core version 1
libEGL debug: found extension `DRI_IMAGE_DRIVER'
libEGL debug: found extension `DRI_DRI2'
libEGL info: found extension DRI_DRI2 version 4
libEGL debug: found extension `DRI_DriverVtable'
libEGL debug: found extension `DRI_ConfigOptions'
libEGL debug: found extension `DRI_TexBuffer'
libEGL info: found extension DRI_TexBuffer version 3
libEGL debug: found extension `DRI2_Fence'
libEGL debug: found extension `DRI2_Flush'
libEGL info: found extension DRI2_Flush version 4
libEGL debug: found extension `DRI_IMAGE'
libEGL info: found extension DRI_IMAGE version 11
libEGL debug: found extension `DRI_RENDERER_QUERY'
libEGL debug: found extension `DRI_CONFIG_QUERY'
libEGL debug: found extension `DRI_Robustness'
libEGL info: Using DRI2
libEGL debug: the best driver is DRI2
[ffmpeg/audio] ac3: Channel layout '5.1(side)' with 6 channels
does not match specified number of channels 2: ignoring specified channel
AO: [sdl] 48000Hz stereo 2ch s32
VO: [opengl] 720x304 yuv420p
AV: 00:29:00 / 02:14:49 (21%) A-V:  0.000 Cache:  0s+1MB
[ffmpeg/audio] ac3: frame sync error
Error decoding audio.
AV: 00:41:39 / 02:14:49 (30%) A-V:  0.000 Cache:  0s+8MB
[ffmpeg/audio] ac3: frame sync error
Error decoding audio.
AV: 00:41:42 / 02:14:49 (30%) A-V:  0.000 Cache:  9s+8MB

Exiting... (Quit)
pthread_mutex_destroy on mutex with waiters!
libEGL debug: Display 0x1728778c8800 is destroyed with resources

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