This is on an amd64 -current system updated/compiled as of

Aug 8 7am; using the 8/13 packages.

I'm trying to use phpMyAdmin to import a database into maria.

in /etc/php-5.6ini I've set memory_limit to 256m, post_max_size

to 16m and upload_max_filesize to 8m.

The db I'm trying to import is 3.4m.  Under import in phpmyadmin

it says (max 2,048k) for importing, hence my doing what php faq

1.16 said about the above three params in php.ini.

Now I notice that suhosin says in /var/log/messages

ALERT - script tried to disable memory_limit by setting it to a negative value -1 bytes which is not allowed (attacker '', file '/u/php/www/import.php', line 296)

So, I am wondering how suhosin is seeing this, and how one gets

phpmyadmin to deal with > 2M files.  That is always says 2,048K

says I'm not changing things correctly?  I've restarted apache and

even rebooted but I always get the 2M max notice.

Any ideas?  I'm pressed for time on this, sigh.  Pointers would be

much appreciated.

--STeve Andre'

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