* Frank Groeneveld <frank+openbsd-m...@frankgroeneveld.nl> le [18-08-2016
22:07:07 +0200]:
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 09:09:38PM +0200, Thuban wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I was trying to build php7.0 with ports, but it fails (see configure
> > failure below).
> >
> > I'm running on 5.9 with stable patches (for both ports and src of
> > course).
> >
> > It seems that configure doesn't recognise the "--with-apxs" option".
> It's missing a dependency, see this thread:
> http://marc.info/?t=146053092900006&r=1&w=2
> This should be fixed in 6.0, but for 5.9 you can work around it by
> installing apache-httpd before compiling php.
> Frank


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