All your carp devices have the same VHID. As two share the same network,
that could cause problems.

On 08/23/2016 01:40 PM, Andrew Seguin wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm building up an OpenBSD router/firewall (migrating away from FreeBSD)
> but have been blocked by a behavior of carp in combination with VLANs that
> I didn't expect or experience before. I'm hoping somebody could enlighten
> me a little bit about why carp floating IPs stop working when the carp
> status is master for the physical interface.
> Originally, there was a pair of FreeBSD systems (FW1 and FW2) where I had
> no issues with carp managed IPs.
> At the moment, one system is reinstalled with OpenBSD 5.9 (FW1), the other
> remains with FreeBSD (FW2).
> The network is setup in such a way that the default vlan (1) is untagged,
> and this network is for all the network management. All other traffic goes
> over tagged networks. The network switches we have simply work in this way
> and so I can't make vlan 1 also a tagged interface to test the impact of
> such a configuration.
> As long as the OpenBSD system is not the master for the default / untagged
> network associated to the physical network interface, the system will
> accept packets for its CARP IPs.
> When OpenBSD becomes master for the untagged network, it won't forward or
> respond (ping) to packets addressed to its floating IP.
> Configuration files for the physical interface (sk0) and a couple VLANs (I
> run a dozen, but trimmed back to two for the purpose of this mail).
> # cat /etc/sysctl.conf
> net.inet.carp.allow=1
> net.inet.carp.preempt=1
> net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
> # cat /etc/hostname.sk0
>                                                                   inet
> NONE description "main link"
> inet
> # cat /etc/hostname.carp1
> vhid 1 pass password carpdev sk0 advskew 150
> inet
> inet alias
> # cat /etc/hostname.vlan10
> inet NONE vlan 10 vlandev sk0 description "Printer
> network"
> # cat /etc/hostname.carp10
>                                                                 vhid 1 pass
> password carpdev vlan10 advskew 150
> inet
> # cat /etc/hostname.vlan50
> inet NONE vlan 50 vlandev sk0 description "Wireless
> backbone"
> # cat /etc/hostname.carp50
> vhid 1 pass password carpdev vlan50 advskew 150
> inet
> The other system has a similar configuration with the exception that IPs
> ending in .2 are .3 on FW2 and FW2 has advskew 100.
> If I make FW1 (OpenBSD) the master for vlan10 and vlan50 (ifconfig carp10
> advskew 1; ifconfig carp50 advskew) but not for sk0, then it will forward
> packets between those two networks without problem and ping works
> fine.
> The moment I make it the master for sk0 (ifconfig carp1 advskew 1), it no
> longer forwards packets (between vlan10 and vlan50, vlan10 and the untagged
> vlan) and it no longer responds to ping for any of the IPs associated to
> the carp interfaces from external systems (ping works, ping
> doesn't work) although from the local box it works (ping
> from FW1 works). Output from ifconfig shows FW1 is the master for
> all interfaces.
> Throughout, I am able to keep working with the box remotely as long as I
> logged in via the local subnet IP (ie: from a workstation with IP
>, I can ssh to
> For testing ... while the FW1 (OpenBSD) is master for all interfaces, I
> used tcpdump and could see the packets arriving at the system only if I
> took the dump on sk0 or carp1. No packets show up on vlan10 or carp10 for
> the box. On vlan10 - I can see all traffic addressed to without
> problem. On carp10 - I only see the "CARPv2-advertise" and arp
> request/response packets.
> To rule things out, I've kept the PF configuration as simple as possible
> for testing (simply 1 line: "pass").
> I always made sure that the corresponding CARP interfaces were in a backup
> state on FW2 (freebsd) and via tcpdump that packets weren't ending up there
> by some accident of the switches.
> I've tried setting the subnet masks for the floating (carp) IP addresses to
> be - didn't change the behavior.
> I set net.inet.carp.log=7 - nothing is noted in /var/log/messages beyond
> the transitions (carp1: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER; MASTER ->
> Since then, I'm out of ideas what to try and am turning to the mailing list
> for help.
> I'm rather new to OpenBSD, but I reviewed the FAQ and searched on google,
> read man pages for carp, ifconfig, hostname.if, etc but didn't get any new
> ideas.
> Any ideas or suggestions what else I might look at?
> Is this expected behavior or have I overlooked some configuration option?
> Thanks in advance,
> Andrew

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