On 25/08/16 14:39, Marc Espie wrote:
On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 08:06:09PM +0200, Noth wrote:
Hi misc@

   I'm a bit disappointed with dpb in 6.0, I haven't tried the chrooting
stuff but was hoping it could still work as before. All I can get it to do
now is start downloading src tarballs, and more often than not fail at that
(manual make -j5 package will build anything). It can barely build anything,
much less x11/gnome. I'd love to know what I can to do rectify this...
That's shitty reporting.  Exactly zero useful info in there.

I'm impressed that my fellow developers did spend some time figuring
out all the stuff you didn't by yourself.

Thanks for wasting their time that they could have used to do something
useful instead.
I apologize for wasting your time but surely it should be indicated somewhere that some directories now need owning by _pfetch or _pbuild, or better they should have proper ownership when dpb is run as root (a check made on startup maybe?). I should have looked at the various logs beforehand I agree. I'll do better next time...

Yours sincerely,


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