Daniel Ouellet([EMAIL PROTECTED])@2006.01.11 23:51:00 -0500:
> Martin Schrvder wrote:
> >On 2006-01-11 16:18:13 -0500, Peter Landry wrote:
> >>Maybe I'm misreading the situation -- but won't this just give Open
> >>projects an even better chance to outpace closed system not subject to
> >>the same reviews in terms of security and reliability?
> >
> >These are automated auditings; the closed system providers can
> >simply buy the tools for these auditings. One hopes that they
> >do.
> Ya.. Try to picture that. You would see Microsoft using tools design for
> open source project on what they call their flag ship wonderful OS

I guess you mean "designed for open source project" .. what does that mean?
I don't think coverity designed their products for "open source projects" ..

"Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision
 for the limits of the world." - Schopenhauer

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