I have my own PKI running on a Debian 8 server (that I set up using
this tutorial:

Certificate creation and signing has worked fine on all
my Linux- and Windows- based servers and clients, but when I try to
use the certs on OpenBSD 6.0 (httpd, openvpn) nothing works. I'm not
sure if it's a problem with the certs themselves, a compatibility
problem between OpenSSL and LibreSSL, or something else.

Running a verify on either a server cert (whose key and CSR were
generated on OpenBSD, and cert signed on the Debian server) produces an
error about the notAfter field:

$ openssl verify -CAfile root-ca.crt server.crt
server.crt: C = US, ST = Georgia, L = Atlanta, O = George Lane, CN = Ge
orge Lane Certificate Authority
error 14 at 1 depth lookup:format error in certificate's notAfter field

$ openssl verify -CAfile root-ca.crt root-ca.crt
root-ca.crt: C = US, ST = Georgia, L = Atlanta, O = George Lane, CN = G
eorge Lane Certificate Authority
error 14 at 0 depth lookup:format error in certificate's notAfter field

The man page informs me that error 14 indicates "The certificate notAfter
field contains an invalid time." I'm unable to reproduce this on my
other servers, though. Here are the same commands run against the same
certs on the Debian server:

$ openssl verify -CAfile root-ca.crt server.crt
server.crt: OK

$ openssl verify -CAfile root-ca.crt root-ca.crt
root-ca.crt: OK

Even opening the cert on the cert management console on Windows 7
displays no apparent errors.

The root cert has an expiration date of Dec 31 23:59:59 2035 GMT.
Is there some reasons that this would not be an acceptable value?

If it helps, feel free to download a copy of my root cert here:

  George Lane
  Atlanta, US

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had 
a name of signature.asc]

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