On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 12:05:53AM -0700, Philip Guenther wrote:
> See, here's where you're taking a wrong turn that I should have caught
> earlier: your first post should answer this question:
>          What problem are you trying to solve?
> httpd may be able to do what you want *already*, but since you haven't
> actually *told anyone* what you're trying to do, no one can help you
> and say "oh yeah, that already works as documented in <blahblahbah>"

Since my certificate isn't provided by a root CA, any clients would have
to verify both my cert AND the certificates of the intermediate
authorities between me and the root CA. I can provide this certificate
stapled along with my own cert to save the client the trouble of
fetching it, which Qualys informs me is "good practice".

> Or maybe: "oh yeah, that can be done, but isn't documented because it
> seemed clunky.  Use this configuration, and I'm fixing the docs".
> Or maybe: "oh yeah, that would be useful.  I was thinking it should be
> done like <this> but if you implement it send me the diff."

If this is the case, I would like to know so I could try and implement
it myself and atone for my apparant sins.

> I suspect it's the middle case..but I'm not reyk@ and don't normally
> work on httpd...
> ...and I don't know why you took this thread off-list.  This seems
> like a discussion that would be useful to others.

Forgot to cc the list ;)

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