Hello Harri,

This interests me because I'm switching to Deutsche Telekom in february
2017.  I did research back in

march or april of 2016 on how to connect to Telekom with an allnet vdsl
modem and I came across hints that Telekom uses vlan tagging.  I made
notes but I don't know how updated they are, but you

can try this:

T-Online uses vlan tag 7, IP-TV uses vlan tag 8.  So it depends on your
plan I guess?  I'd appreciate if someone told me if this information is
outdated but I'm probably going to have to ask in february again
anyhow.  Apparently my allnet vdsl modem can vlan tag and give a
passthrough to the router, I don't know if the Draytek Vigor can do this.



On 09/13/16 11:51, Harald Dunkel wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am using an openbsd (5.9) box as gateway/firewall to the
> internet. ISP is Deutsche Telekom. In between is a Vigor 130
> VDSL2 modem, configured to PPPoE passthrough. The PPPoE
> connection is initiated on the openbsd box.
> Problem: https via the tunnel gets stuck for some sites, e.g.
> https://telekom.de/ (please note the irony). Other sites work
> fine, e.g. https://kundencenter.telekom.de/. I tried a lot of
> clients: chrome, firefox, Safari, wget, etc. and all platforms
> I have at home.
> Other services (http, smtp, dns, ntp, vnc, ...) seem to work
> flawless.
> The problem came up with the migration from ADSL to VDSL this
> weekend. The gateway wasn't changed, but I wonder if there are
> some issues or pitfalls with PPPoE and fragmented packages or
> whatever, possibly breaking https negotiation?
> Every helpful comment is highly appreciated
> Harri

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