Like other have said, PC Engines might be your best bet.
Edgerouter lite and PoE are another alternative. They run on Octeon
[1]. They might be a bit less expensive with somewhat smaller form
factor. They also should be easier to get, like $90 on amazon.
Installation might be easier on PC Engines.

You'll notice a lot of modal. I don't own either device, all the
comments are second hand.


2016-09-22 19:58 GMT+02:00 L. V. Lammert <>:
> There have been some good discussions lately about HW capable of running a
> lot of traffic, .. but this question is about the other end of the
> spectrum.
> Have a need for a small FW appliance that can be used to protect a single
> machine and provide a simple way to whitelist a single IP or two.
> Two HW ethernet ports, OBSD compatible, small form factor, low cost.
> Any recommendations?
>         Thanks!
>         Lee


Cordialement, Coues Ludovic
+336 148 743 42

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