On Wed, 28 Sep 2016, Walter Alejandro Iglesias wrote:

> I know complaining is useless.  Forgive me this time.
> I'm about to run my own web server using OpenBSD.  I'm giving my first
> steps with pf.  I was very enthusiastic till I got to this point:
> https://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/logging.html
> It says:
>     The log file written by pflogd is in binary format and cannot be
>     read using a text editor.
> So, *binary* logs.  Sounds familiar to me.  And then:
>    In many situations it is desirable to have the firewall logs available
>    in ASCII format
> And this "uncommon" practice among unix system administrators (sarcasm),
> needs a "workaround".  You end with a file with a curious termination:
>     Create the file /var/log/pflog.txt ...
> I must confess I'm one among those "run to the hills" paranoids.  I'm
> not an expert, perhaps I'm judging pflog wrong but, anyway, I still
> prefer the traditional way, using cat, grep and tail.

# file /var/log/pflog
/var/log/pflog: tcpdump capture file (little-endian) - version 2.4 (OpenBSD 
PFLOG, capture length 160)

Would you rather have something convert packets to ASCII arbitrarily
throwing away `unimportant' fields?


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