On 1/13/06, Alexander Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> nuffnough wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > I need to log the output of isakmpd -DA=90 to a file, and I am at a loss
> as
> > to exactly what syntax to use.  I am using OpenBSD 3.8 default shell
> (ksh
> > now...) and trying stuff like
> >
> > isakmpd -T -DA=90 2>&1 > logfile
> This would redirect stderr to stdout (screen) and stdout to "logfile".
> You probably wanted
>    isakmpd -T -DA=90 > logfile 2>&1
> which redirects both stdout and stderr to "logfile". The order is
> important.

Thanks for that info.  Unfortunately,  I am still getting the same result.
Here is the console of my attempts:

fw0:root:/etc/isakmpd>isakmpd -T -DA=90 > logfile 2>&1
fw0:root:/etc/isakmpd>ls -al

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  958 Jan 13 10:25 logfile

102531.115369 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 90 for
class 0 [priv]
102531.115520 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 90 for
class 1 [priv]
102531.115534 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 90 for
class 2 [priv]
102531.115545 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 90 for
class 3 [priv]
102531.115555 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 90 for
class 4 [priv]
102531.115564 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 90 for
class 5 [priv]
102531.115574 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 90 for
class 6 [priv]
102531.115583 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 90 for
class 7 [priv]
102531.115593 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 90 for
class 8 [priv]
102531.115602 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 90 for
class 9 [priv]
102531.115612 Default log_debug_cmd: log level changed from 0 to 90 for
class 10 [priv]
fw0:root:/etc/isakmpd>ps auxw | grep isakmpd
_isakmpd 30752  0.0  1.2  2796  2988 ??  S     10:25AM    0:01.17 isakmpd -T
root     29469  0.0  0.2   868   424 ??  Is    10:25AM    0:00.01 isakmpd:
monitor [priv] (isakmpd)
fw0:root:/etc/isakmpd>ls -al

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  958 Jan 13 10:25 logfile

I know that I've done this in the past with no problems, and this is
confusing me.  (easy to do, I am a bit of a nuff nuff).

Thanks for your help,


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