On 09/30/16 03:40, Stuart Henderson wrote:
(supermicro branded java crap).
Other than serial-over-lan, ports/net/noVNC is fairly likely to work for
connecting to KVM on this machine. Then it's html5+websockets crap instead,
but at least it's a bit less unpleasant than java.

That's really interesting!

I installed noVNV under 6.0 (amd64) and tried to use it but with no success. I looked around for documentation but found only a few.
Please, can you tell me if I'm doing something obviously wrong?

Suppose this is my IPMI server (X10SLL-F):

iKVM port: 5900
User: test
Password: mypw

I use an URL like this:


noVNC is working but when I try to connect to the IPMI server I always get "Server disconnected (code: 1006)"!

Is there something I should look at or something obvious I'm missing?


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