Thanks, Vijay. That’s exactly what I couldn’t find in the documentation.
(Now that I know what to look for, I see the line in security(8)’s manpage
that I overlooked.)

CC’ing list to help the next person with this question…


From: Vijay Sankar []
Sent: October 6, 2016 10:20
To: Adam Thompson <>
Subject: Re: security(8) question - how to skip a single file?

Hi Adam,

Not replying to list in case I did not understand the question.

I have the following towards the end of /etc/changelist

# /var/unbound/etc/root.key

Is that what you are looking for?


Quoting Adam Thompson < <>

I have RTFMed and googled, but I still can’t figure out how to do one
thing: make security(8) ignore a single file that changes on a daily basis,
where that file is otherwise monitored due to /etc/mtree/4.4BSD.dist.

The file in question is /var/unbound/db/root.key, which I have auto-updating.

Yes, I understand why this file is important, but on this particular system,
being lulled into complacency by a daily false-positive security(8) report is
more of a danger than someone managing to hack the root DNS key.

Suggestions or pointers or interpretation of the docs appreciated.


Vijay Sankar, M.Eng., P.Eng.
ForeTell Technologies Limited

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