On Mon, 10 Oct 2016 15:12:04 +0000
BARDOU Pierre <bardo...@mipih.fr> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a brand new HPE DL20 G9, on which I am trying to boot OpenBSD
> (version 6.0).
> 1s try : UEFI. The boot loader does its work, and then the screen
> remains blank.
> I can't see any line with blue background.
> I tried to see what happend via console, but there is no serial port
> on these little beasts :(
> 2nd try : legacy bios.
> The kernel starts, lines startiong with "cpu" seem OK.
> But then there are a lot of "mem adress conflict" and "bridge mem
> address conflict".
> Then it freezes.
> Is there something I can do ?
> Would that be useful that I give you the full messages (long and
> painful process of copying the text from the video of the boot) ?

OMG I just placed an order for two of these, hoping to use OpenBSD on
them. Should I cancel? Is there anything from HP in same price range
that runs OpenBSD?

Thank you in advance,

Before enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.
After  enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.

Marko Cupać

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