I run a similar setup, NSD serving my local zones (on ::1@54) and
unbound querying those local zones there.  Comparing your config with
mine, I didn't spot an obvious explanation for why it wouldn't work
for you, but I do note that your unbound isn't configured to listen on, whilst your NSD *is* set to listen there.  Not sure how
that flies with your resolv.conf setup.

With the below config, unbound listens on localhost (v4 and v6) and my
local interface (v4 and v6).  NSD only listens on the ::1 and at an
alternative port (54).

Hope that helps.


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd

--- nsd configuration ------------------------------------------------
        hide-version: yes
        ip-address: ::1@54
        verbosity: 1
        database: "" # disable database

        control-enable: yes

        name: "168.192.in-addr.arpa"
        zonefile: "168.192.in-addr.arpa"

        name: "domain.tld"
        zonefile: "domain.tld"
        interface: ::1
        interface: 2001:xxx:3af::1

        access-control: refuse
        access-control: allow
        access-control: allow
        access-control: allow
        access-control: ::0/0 refuse
        access-control: ::1 allow
        access-control: 2001:xxx:3af::/64 allow
        access-control: 2001:xxx:3af:20::/64 allow

        hide-identity: yes
        hide-version: yes

        do-not-query-localhost: no

        local-zone: "168.192.in-addr.arpa." nodefault

                name: domain.tld
                stub-addr: ::1@54

                name: 34.168.192.in-addr.arpa
                stub-addr: ::1@54

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 11:42:16PM +0200, Johan Mellberg wrote:
| Hi all,
| I am setting up a fresh OpenBSD 6.0 server in a KVM VM to serve my
| home network with DNS. I have a custom zone (only for LAN use) set up
| and previously used BIND successfully (but that VM crashed and its
| disk was hosed...) both as authoritative and caching/resolving.
| So now I am trying to learn to set up NSD to be authoritative for my
| small zone and Unbound to serve the LAN with all other queries. But
| there is a problem:
| 1. Unbound successfully responds to queries and provides lookup to the
| LAN machines for "the internet".
| 2. NSD successfully responds to queries for the custom zone.
| 3. But I cannot get Unbound to get a reply from NSD...
| I have tried multiple combinations of ports and interface bindings and
| I suspect that I am missing something simple here. Currently I have
| set NSD to listen on and Unbound listens on 192.168.x.91 -
| so there should not be a conflict. In fact it works fine if I use dig
| @localhost <LANhostname> and dig @192.168.x.91 <internethostname>
| respectively, but the second version only provides an answer-less
| response if asked for a LAN hostname.
| Unbound is set to ask localhost for the stub zones, forward and reverse.
| And, yes, I could of course use Unbound to serve my local zone and
| drop NSD - but that would be giving up... It's supposed to work from
| all I read! :-)
| I have also tried having NSD listen on, and telling
| unbound to use that as the stub-address, while then having Unbound
| listen on as well as 192.168.x.91 to be able to set
| as the nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf. Same result except I
| can't test NSD with dig as it can't use an alternative port.
| A possibly related question: I can't seem to be able to use
| shortnames. The domain part should be picked up from the host name as
| given in /etc/myname, but that does not seem to work as I expect, I
| always have to provide the FQDN. Again something I have missed
| perhaps?
| Anyway, I am staring blindly at the config files now and really need
| help figuring it out. I have removed all that is commented, otherwise
| it's the default except for changes of course.
| Thanks for any clue bats coming my way...
| /Johan
| * resolv.conf
| lookup file bind
| nameserver 192.168.x.91
| # cat /etc/myname
| dns03.my.domain
| # cat /etc/hosts
|       localhost
| ::1             localhost
| 192.168.x.91   dns03.my.domain dns03
| # cat /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf
| # $OpenBSD: unbound.conf,v 1.7 2016/03/30 01:41:25 sthen Exp $
| server:
|         interface: 192.168.x.91
|         interface: ::1
|         do-not-query-localhost: no
|         access-control: 192.168.x.64/24 allow
|         access-control: allow
|         access-control: refuse
|         access-control: ::0/0 refuse
|         access-control: ::1 allow
|         hide-identity: yes
|         hide-version: yes
|         # Uncomment to enable DNSSEC validation.
|         #
|         auto-trust-anchor-file: "/var/unbound/db/root.key"
|         root-hints: /var/unbound/etc/root.hints
| remote-control:
|         control-enable: yes
|         control-use-cert: no
|         control-interface: /var/run/unbound.sock
| stub-zone:
|         name: "my.domain"
|         stub-addr:
| stub-zone:
|         name: "x.168.192.in-addr.arpa"
|         stub-addr:
| # cat /var/nsd/etc/nsd.conf
| # $OpenBSD: nsd.conf,v 1.11 2015/04/12 11:49:39 sthen Exp $
| server:
|         hide-version: yes
|         verbosity: 1
|         database: "" # disable database
| ## bind to a specific address/port
|         ip-address:
| remote-control:
|         control-enable: yes
| zone:
|         name: "my.domain"
|         zonefile: "master/my.domain"
| zone:
|         name: "x.168.192.in-addr.arpa"
|         zonefile: "master/192.168.x.rev"


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