On Thursday 12 January 2006 20:28, Alexander Hall wrote:
> Dave Feustel wrote:
> > I added the statement dchpd_flags="-d sis0 sis1 sis2 sis3" to rc.conf.local,
> > but dhcpd is not started at bootup. Is something else needed to get
> > dhcpd started automatically?
> Why would you want the output to stderr when starting from /etc/rc? That 
> could be your problem.

The -d flag for debugging when I was starting dhcpd manually while I was
getting it to work. Now it works and I want it to start automatically. I've
removed the -d flag.

> On a sidenote, set dhcpd_flags="" and add your interfaces to 
> /etc/dhcpd.interfaces. Magic will happen (see /etc/rc).

I had added sis[0-3] to /etc/dhcpd.interfaces. Maybe the redundant specification
of the sis interfaces caused a problem with rc.conf startup of dhcpd.
I've made dhcpd="" again for normal operation.

I also am using dhcp to get an ip address from verizon when I boot up.

> /Alexander

Lose, v., experience a loss, get rid of, "lose the weight"
Loose, adj., not tight, let go, free, "loose clothing"

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