sometimes I send mails in HTML format, sorry for that, has this by

so the PDF also states that the "admin" user had /sbin/nologin for shell

    Specifies whether TCP forwarding is permitted. The available options are
yes (the default) or all to allow TCP forwarding, no to prevent all TCP
forwarding, local to allow local (from the perspective of ssh(1)) forwarding
only or remote to allow remote forwarding only. Note that disabling TCP
forwarding does not improve security unless users are also denied shell
access, as they can always install their own forwarders.
Note that disabling TCP forwarding does not improve security unless users are
also denied shell access

so having AllowTcpForwarding=NO would help.

Why is it yes by default? someone requested it to be yes? does anybody know?


Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 10:46 AM
From: "Christian Gruhl" <>
Subject: Re: SSHowDowN
On 10/18/2016 10:41 AM, Sol��ne Rapenne wrote:
> Le 2016-10-18 10:35, Peter Janos a ��crit :
>> shouldn't the default be "no" for the AllowTcpForwarding? Why is an
>> insecure option "yes" by default?
>> Thanks.
> from sshd_config(5)
> AllowTcpForwarding
> Specifies whether TCP forwarding is permitted. The available
> options are yes (the default) or all to allow TCP
> forwarding, no
> to prevent all TCP forwarding, local to allow local (from the
> perspective of ssh(1)) forwarding only or remote to allow
> remote
> forwarding only. Note that disabling TCP forwarding does not
> improve security unless users are also denied shell access, as
> they can always install their own forwarders.

Also the article states that "We checked our factory-defaulted device
and noticed that the ���admin:admin��� credential pair allows
us to connect to the web-based configuration interface."

Using such a weak password is more likely the problem, than the enabled
TCP forward.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which
had a name of smime.p7s]

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