On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 11:02:12AM -0500, Ax0n wrote:
> To circle back: I can reproduce the VM lock-up 100% of the time by typing
> too quickly into the VM virtual serial console, such as my password and
> longer command strings that I know by muscle memory.
> I tried a few things such as slowly typing several kilobytes of text into
> the console, one character at a time.
> If I mash the keyboard inside cu, the VM locks up. I went to the text
> console of the VM host (my daily-driver laptop), and slowly decreased the
> keyboard repeat time with:
> wsconsctl keyboard.repeat.deln=<n>
> And then attached to the vm virtual console using "doas vmctl console 1"
> I proceeded to hold down a key and let a few lines of text show up before
> exiting the console, decreasing the deln delay further, and repeating the
> experiment.
> 100 is the default value, so holding a key down (longer than the default
> 400msec value of del1) will result in a 100msec delay between repeat
> keystrokes on input.
> I reduced this first to 75, then to 50, 25, 15, 10, and 5.
> With a repeat delay of 5msec on the virtual console, I was able to reliably
> lock up vms in a few dozen "keystrokes" (a matter of a second or two
> holding a key down).
> I was able to get three different vms to lock up, one running the october
> 22 snapshot, and two others running OpenBSD-6.0 Release, one i386, the
> other amd64.
> I cannot reproduce this, even with a high keyboard repeat rate, though an
> SSH session to any of the VMs.
> Mike and I have been in touch off-list (Thanks again!), but I thought the
> results of my testing were relevant to misc@.

Thanks for testing. I'll see about repro'ing it and take a look presently.


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