
I have noticed that pkg_add will behave differently when being executed
from a script when compared to running it manually on the command line.

This is creating problems for the ansible openbsd_pkg module.

This is what I see, first running manually which is fine:
# pkg_add nmap
quirks-2.270 signed on 2016-11-18T14:37:13Z
nmap-7.30: ok

# pkg_add nmap
quirks-2.270 signed on 2016-11-18T14:37:13Z

Deleting nmap again to start over:
# pkg_delete nmap
nmap-7.30: ok
Read shared items: ok

Now executing pkg_add from python:
# ./run_pkg_add.py
quirks-2.270 signed on 2016-11-18T14:37:13Z
nmap-7.30: ok

# ./run_pkg_add.py
quirks-2.270 signed on 2016-11-18T14:37:13Z
Error from 
signify: write to stdout: Broken pipe

Note that the first run is successfull, while the second run throws a
broken pipe error from signify.

The python code:
#!/usr/bin/env python

import shlex
import subprocess

command = "pkg_add nmap"

args = shlex.split(command);


This is python-2.7.12p1.

I have been doing some print-debugging in
/usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/PackageRepository.pm trying to figure out
what is going on, but so far no luck.

Patrik Lundin

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