On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 06:55:52AM -0500, Philippe Meunier wrote:
> Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> >It is not a problem of crashing or not, S does incur a performance hit
> >that we are not willing accept by default.
> I've seen this claim several times on this mailing list over the past
> few years but does anyone have actual data about it?  How much of a
> performance hit is it in practice for, say, some typical tasks
> (whatever "typical" means)?


> Does anyone know of a relatively common program for which S
> is a human-noticeable performance hit?

I now see that otto already gave the same example, but since I ran the
tests, here's some more numbers.

In my experience, build times are increased by something between 50% and
100% when I switch from CJ (what I usually run) to S.  Here's five
consecutive runs of 'make -j4' of GENERIC.MP on my otherwise mostly idle
T420 with 4 cores: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2620M CPU @ 2.70GHz, 2691.64 MHz.

CJ      1m56.34s real     5m28.56s user     1m04.40s system
S       4m10.98s real     6m03.39s user     8m45.45s system

CJ      1m50.48s real     5m38.03s user     1m03.00s system
S       4m06.88s real     5m59.65s user     7m57.17s system

none    1m41.22s real     5m16.35s user     1m02.65s system

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