Martin Ziemer <> writes:

>> I recently changed my FDE passphrase and now my laptop won't boot.
>> Bootloader just gives me "invalid passphrase" when I try to unlock it on 
>> boot.
>> Its a bit odd as I can boot usb stick and manually open the drive and upgrade
>> the openbsd installation on it. It just won't work on the boot.
> Some weeks ago I had a similar problem. The problem started, because
> i changed the password from an system running an newer snapshot than
> the encrypted System. (So "invalid passphrase" can also mean "too new
> fde")
> The solution for me was starting an update from a new bsd.rd. After
> the update everything was fine again.

Hmm, seems to be something with the boot version.
When I boot my installation I get:
EFIBOOT 3.29 and I can't unlock the volume.

I'm bit stuck on how to proceed, I downloaded miniroot60.fs from amd64 snapshots
and made bootable stick. I can boot the system with it, manually unlock the 
drive and do
an upgrade. But after the upgrade I still can't boot the system. Shouldn't the
upgrade update the boot version as well?


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