> On Jan 7, 2017, at 2:19 PM, Peter Membrey <pe...@membrey.hk> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've gotten OpenBSD up and running on a new Intel NUC, but unfortunately
Skylake isn't supported. I was able to get X working in software accelerated
mode, but it would be great to see true support for the chipset. Unfortunately
I don't have the necessary skills to work on this myself, but I am willing to
put my money where my mouth is.
> I realise that for a lot of people, the issue is time and not money, but
that aside, would anybody be interested in focusing on adding support for
Skylake? The deliverable would be getting Skylake support merged.
> Happy to discuss what sort of funding would be needed.
> Thanks in advance!
> Kind Regards,
> Peter Membrey

I second this.  OpenBSD runs really well on my TP x260 with the UEFI frame
buffer, but full Skylake support could turn it into my ‘main system’.
When Skylake support hits the tree, count me in for a donation as well.


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