> > Isn't better to use rewrite/file remapping instead of hacking pxeboot?
> > If an i386 machine would request /etc/boot.conf via tftp you could rewrite
> > it to (based on fact you know that that machine is i386 - during 
> > provisioning)
> > /etc/i386/boot.conf. For the client I suppose it would still think it gets
> > /etc/boot.conf.

A POC...


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use IO::Socket::UNIX;

my $socket_path = '/tmp/tftpd_rewrite.sock';
unlink $socket_path if -e $socket_path;
my $socket = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(
    Local  => $socket_path,
    Type   => SOCK_STREAM,
    Listen => SOMAXCONN,
die "Can't create socket: $!" unless $socket;

while (1) {
    next unless my $connection = $socket->accept;
    while (my $line = <$connection>) {
        # XXX
        # conditionals here
        if ($line =~ /^ read \/etc\/boot.conf$/) {
            print $connection "/etc/boot.conf.i386\n";
        } elsif ($line =~ /^\S+ read \/etc\/boot.conf$/) {
            print $connection "/etc/boot.conf\n";

$ ./tftpd_rewrite
$ doas chgrp _tftpd /tmp/tftpd_rewrite.sock ; doas chmod g+w 
$ doas tftpd -v -r /tmp/tftpd_rewrite.sock /home/vm

$ tftp 
tftp> get /etc/boot.conf
Received 38 bytes in 0.0 seconds

$ syslogc daemon | tail -n1
Jan 29 01:51:49 t440s tftpd[626]: read request for '/etc/boot.conf'
$ cat boot.conf
set tty com0
boot tftp:/bsd.rd.i386

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