On Fri, Feb 03, 2017 at 04:07:25PM +0100, Boudewijn Dijkstra wrote:
> Op Sat, 28 Jan 2017 06:26:16 +0100 schreef Damian McGuckin  
> <dami...@esi.com.au>:
> > What is the recommended most portable way to force memory alignment for  
> > a datum of any type, assuming one has a pointer say
> >
> >     char *x
> >
> > I currently use something like
> >
> >     char *xany = aligntonext(x, sizeof(long))
> >
> > where I use my own function 'aligntionext' which is defined below and I  
> > also assume that a 'long' will be the natural word-size of the machine  
> > and that any datum things just needs to align to this boundary. That  
> > said, if the second argument is say 4k, the function will align its  
> > result to a 4k boundary.
> >
> > I was wondering if there is an optimal, better, more acceptable, or more  
> > portable, way.
> >
> Easy and very portable:
> void *
> aligntonext(void *x, size_t size)
> {
>       return (void *)((((uintptr_t)x + size - 1u) / size) * size);
> }
> Whether it is optimal depends on compiler optimization.

Isn't this stuff macros are made of:

# define aligntonext(ptr, size) \
    ((void*)((((uintptr_t)(ptr) + (size) - 1u) / (size)) * (size)))


# define aligntonext(ptr, bits) \
    ((void*)((((uintptr_t)(ptr) + (1<<(bits)) - 1u) >> (bits)) << (bits)))

Note that the second argument is evaluated three times in both variants...


/ Raimo Niskanen, Erlang/OTP, Ericsson AB

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